首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Carcinogens Relating to Coal Conversion Processes.

Carcinogens Relating to Coal Conversion Processes.




Bioassay experiments and epidemiological studies conducted in connection with early coal hydrogenation projects indicate that process tars and high boiling point products from coal hydrogenation are carcinogenic. Chemical composition data for materials from coal conversion processes currently under development indicate the presence of classes of chemicals containing known or suspected carcinogenic substances,primarily heavy liquid fractions,process tars,mineral residue and particulate emissions. Only a small number of current,federally-supported,energy-related,environmental programs relate to the assessment of coal conversion carcinogens. Two exceptions are a two-year toxicological study on laboratory animals and an industrial hygiene study in connection with the SRC process;and industrial hygiene surveys of two high Btu gasification pilot plants. An overall review of current and planned environmental studies to determine the extent to which the problem of carcinogens is being addressed would further define the data needs. Continued comprehensive discussions with ERDA program officers and contractors would influence the nature and scope of current and planned carcinogenicity studies. Processes under development present an opportunity for incorporation of timely and systematic programs involving sampling,analysis and testing of materials for carcinogenicity;and engineering evaluation of system components and operating conditions necessary to minimize production of carcinogens. Continued interface between technical experts in carcinogenesis and the ERDA staff would identify areas of concern so that timely influence could be exerted on the coal conversion process program offices. (ERA citation 02:006549)



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