首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Optimisation of Radioactive Waste Management Systems Using Weighted Measures of Economic and Radiological Impact

Optimisation of Radioactive Waste Management Systems Using Weighted Measures of Economic and Radiological Impact




The study reported here investigates the effects of different cost and environmental impact minimisation strategies on radioactive waste disposal strategies. The study examines the costs and environmental impacts from storage, transport and disposal of the low and intermediate level radioactive waste expected to arise over the next 45 years assuming a moderate growth in nuclear power. The environmental impact takes account of the occupational impact, the risk and impact to the public. The risk and impact to the public from disposal of waste includes the collective dose received by the public and the maximum annual individual risks to members of a hypothetical critical group. The base case waste management system considers the options of disposal to sea, shallow land burial, engineered trench and deep cavity facilities. Assessments have been performed which cover the range of views perceived to exist about the relative importance of the reduction of cost and environmental impacts in radioactive waste management. The study investigates the implications for the waste management system of the sea disposal option not being available, deferring development of the deep cavity facility and developing an off-shore borehole disposal facility. A set of sensitivity studies showed that the assessments are robust to the assumptions and impact parameters used. (Atomindex citation 17:033213)



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