首页> 美国政府科技报告 >A Scoping Study of Intelligent Databases;Potential Applications of Artificial Intelligence Techniques in a Demand-Side Management Database

A Scoping Study of Intelligent Databases;Potential Applications of Artificial Intelligence Techniques in a Demand-Side Management Database




Aggregate databases of demand-side management (DSM) information are approaching a third stage of evolution. The first readily-available compilations of DSM information were in printed form. In the second (and current) stage of the development of DSM databases, the techniques of conventional database management systems (DBMSs) are being used to provide on-line reference databases. With the development of artificial intelligence (Al) techniques for information retrieval and extraction, it is now becoming possible to construct intelligent databases of DSM information. This report examines the available artificial intelligence techniques in the areas of database management and information retrieval for their applicability to the development of an intelligent information center for demand-side management.



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