首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Status of Safety Issues at Licensed Power Plants. TMI Action Plan Requirements,Unresolved Safety Issues, Generic Safety Issues, Other Multiplant Action Issues

Status of Safety Issues at Licensed Power Plants. TMI Action Plan Requirements,Unresolved Safety Issues, Generic Safety Issues, Other Multiplant Action Issues

机译:许可电厂的安全问题现状。 TmI行动计划要求,未解决的安全问题,一般安全问题,其他多工作行动问题



As part of ongoing U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) efforts to ensure thequality and accountability of safety issue information, a program has been established whereby an annual NUREG report will be published on the status of licensee implementation and NRC verification of safety issues in major NRC requirement areas. The information was compiled and reported in three NUREG volumes. The annual NUREG report provides updated information on TMI, USI, and GSI issues and includes status of all Other Multiplant Actions (MPAs). The data contained in these NUREG reports are a product of the NRC's Safety Issues Management System (SIMS) database, which is maintained by the Project Management Staff in the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation and by NRC regional personnel. The report is to provide a comprehensive description of the implementation and verification status of TMI Action Plan Requirements, USIs, GSIs, and other MPAs that have been resolved and involve implementation of an action or actions by licensees. The report makes the information available to other interested parties, including the public. An additional purpose of the NUREG report is to serve as a follow-on to NUREG-0933, 'A Prioritization of Generic Safety Issues,' which tracks safety issues up until requirements are approved for imposition at licensed plants or until the NRC issues a request for action by licensees.



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