首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Geologic, Geoarchaeologic, and Historical Investigation of the Discovery Site of Ancient Remains in Columbia Park, Kennewick, Washington

Geologic, Geoarchaeologic, and Historical Investigation of the Discovery Site of Ancient Remains in Columbia Park, Kennewick, Washington




The site of the discovery of the ancient human remains known as Kennewick Man has gained international attention. On-site study during December 1997 focused principally on one question: is the geologic setting consistent with the 9,OOO-yr age reported for the human remains. Other objectives for the study included determining if there was evidence for a specific cultural affiliation for the remains, if there was evidence for either intentional of accidental burial, and if the stratigraphic layers were in place. The principal landform at the site is a terrace of the Columbia River, comprising fine-grained sediments accumulated in quiet water. The presence of the Mazama teptira, a volcanic ash later correlated throughout the Pacific Northwest, established that this landform is more than 6,700 years old. Stratigraphic horizons traceable over the length of the study site provided datable materials to indicate that the layers are relatively undisturbed and span at least 15,000 years of geologic time. No evidence for cultural affiliation was encountered, and the question of accidental versus intentional burial is still open. The limited scope of this study did not allow definition of the three-dimensional geometry of the landform and its relationship to regional geology.



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