首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Improving Relative Combat Power Estimation: The Road to Victory.

Improving Relative Combat Power Estimation: The Road to Victory.




War is a violent struggle between two opponents who use combat power to impose their own will on the adversary. The outcome of war is determined by the ability of those opponents to amass superior combat power in time, space, and purpose. Thus, the correct relative combat power estimation appears to be the main part of success in any campaign, battle, or engagement. The problem of precise relative combat power estimation is presented in the study as a component of any level of war. At the strategic level the problem relates to creating and maintaining force design superior to the anticipated threat. At the operational level it supports the shaping of the battlefield or battlespace to create a favorable balance. At the tactical level the correct estimation of relative combat power supports the decision making process and the efficient allocation of available resources. The paper examines relative combat power as comprised of three main pillars: numerical preponderance, technology, and force employment. It reveals the limitations in some existing models for relative combat power estimation. This is a qualitative research effort that accommodates the logic of ends, ways, means; structured, focused comparison, and the US Army Design Methodology. As a result of the analysis, the author proposes a way to measure variables currently assumed as intangible and bounds his logic in a simple mathematical equation.



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