首页> 美国政府科技报告 >Human Geography in the Afghanistan - Pakistan Region: Undermining the Taliban Using Traditional Pashtun Social Structures

Human Geography in the Afghanistan - Pakistan Region: Undermining the Taliban Using Traditional Pashtun Social Structures

机译:阿富汗 - 巴基斯坦地区的人文地理:利用传统的普什图族社会结构破坏塔利班



The Taliban is a largely Pashtun insurgent movement operating throughout Afghanistan and Pakistan. Much of its ideology is based on Saudi Arabian-influenced Wahabbist thought, and as such is alien to Pashtun culture. It is in direct conflict with the traditional Pashtun social code of Pashtunwali and has subverted the traditional tribal structure of the Pashtun. Coalition Forces should support and strengthen traditional Pashtun tribal leaders and their traditional social structure in Afghanistan and Pakistan in order to isolate the Taliban insurgency, enabling the achievement of Coalition end state objectives.



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