首页> 美国政府科技报告 >PROGRAM TRIXY Multi-Group Analysis of Nuclear Reactors in Three Space Dimensions (For the IBM Type 704 Computer)

PROGRAM TRIXY Multi-Group Analysis of Nuclear Reactors in Three Space Dimensions (For the IBM Type 704 Computer)

机译:三个空间维度的核反应堆程序TRIXY多组分析(适用于IBm 704型计算机)



TRIXY is a computer program that provides a multigroup analysis of nuclear reactors in three space dimensions. The program can be run on an IBM 704 computer that has at least 8192 words of memory and six tape units. For each energy group, g, the program computes φ , the neutron flux, by a numerical approximation to the age-diffusion equation. When φ has been calculated for all groups, the fission source, % , is computed. The criticality and source error are calculated and printed. If the fission source has not converged to the degree of accuracy requested, ζ is recomputed, the results of the program are edited so that values of flux and power density for any section of the reactor can be printed.



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