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Army Posts in American Culture: A Historical Geography of Army Posts in the United States.




Army posts in the United States can be divided into three distinct groups. Stone and masonry coastal forts came to America from Europe. They reflected the close cultural ties between the United States and Europe, while at the same time they reflected efforts of the young nation to break those ties. Frontier forts had the same origins as stone forts, but they functioned under different circumstances. Their march across the continent was highly reflective of the peculiar nature of the Army on the American frontier. The emergence of modern Army posts was not possible until the end of the nineteenth century. Several factors combined to end the era of the frontier and bring the United States into the world of international politics. The changes were dramatic, and once again they were reflected in the locations and appearances of Army posts. The modern volunteer Army has been the latest phase in the development of the Army and its posts. Recent changes in posts have reflected efforts to improve morale of the post-Vietnam Army and bring it closer to civilian society.



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