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The Novelty of Human Self-Assessment: Implications for Learning and Training




A report by Hunt (1978) is used as a basis for development of a postulated explanation for the learning facilitation achieved by an overt self-assessment process. Hunt (1978) found that the addition of an overt self-assessment step to the stimulus-response cycle of a paired-associates learning task facilitates learning, as much as 25% over a normal learning control condition. An item by item re-analysis of Hunt's (1978) data, by this student, shows that the response-assessment order of responding produces more extensive use of 'sure' assessments, than does the assessment-response order of responding. It is herein proposed that overt self-assessment induces an increased use of 'sure' assessments, which leads to both greater disconfirmation and greater confirmation of subject-held expectancies of assessment and response outcomes. Outcomes that disconfirm or confirm expectancies are 'biological' events that are either 'novel' or 'reinforcing' in nature, and that have the capacity of eliciting the fundamental condition necessary for learning, which is cortical arousal (Johnston, 1979). A paired-associates learning experiment using CVC trigrams of a 65% meaningfulness level sought to replicate portions of Hunt's (1978) study for comparison with the effects of a new variable, nature of the assessment scale. The results of the experiment were negative. However, a cross-comparison of the data and outcome of the Hunt (1978) study, with the data and outcome of this study shows an internal consistency with the theoretical notions.



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