首页> 美国政府科技报告 >2012 Workplace and Gender Relations Survey of Reserve Component Members (Survey Note No. 2013-002).

2012 Workplace and Gender Relations Survey of Reserve Component Members (Survey Note No. 2013-002).




The Department of Defense (DoD) continues to emphasize sexual assault and sexual harassment response and prevention in the Reserve components. This survey note discusses findings from the '2012 Workplace and Gender Relations Survey of Reserve Component Members' (2012 WGRR), a source of information for evaluating these programs and for assessing the gender- relations environment in the Reserves. The 2012 WGRR is the third Reserve component survey on gender-relations issues (the first Reserve component survey was administered in 2004 and the second in 2008) as mandated by U.S. Code Title 10. This survey assesses the prevalence of sexual assault and sexual harassment and other gender-related issues in the National Guard and Reserves. This survey note and accompanying briefing charts (Appendix) provide information on the prevalence rates of sexual assault, sexual harassment and sexist behavior, and gender discriminatory behaviors and sex discrimination; personnel policies, practices, and training related to sexual assault and sexual harassment; and an assessment of progress. The 2012 WGRR was fielded from April to June 2012. Completed surveys were received from 13,868 eligible respondents. The overall weighted response rate was 23%. This survey note provides top-line results for members by gender. When 2012 WGRR questions are comparable to questions in the previous 2004 and 2008 surveys, an analysis of trends also is presented. If the questions do not have comparable trend comparisons, then only results from 2012 are presented. When a result is annotated as higher or lower than another result, the reader should understand that to be a statistically significant difference at the .05 level of significance.



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