首页> 外文期刊>Photochemistry and Photobiology: An International Journal >Stress Tolerance of the Endemic Antarctic Brown Alga Desmarestia anceps to UV Radiation and Temperature is Mediated by High Concentrations of Phlorotannins

Stress Tolerance of the Endemic Antarctic Brown Alga Desmarestia anceps to UV Radiation and Temperature is Mediated by High Concentrations of Phlorotannins


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The endemic Antarctic brown macroalga Desmarestia anceps is strongly shade-adapted, but shows also a high capacity to cope with different environmental stressors, e.g. UV radiation and temperature. Therefore, this species colonizes wide depth gradients, which are characterized by changing environmental conditions. In this study, we examine whether the different physiological abilities allowing D. anceps to grow across a wide depth range is determined by high levels of phlorotannins. Photosynthesis, measured by PAM-fluorometry, the contents of soluble phlorotannins, antioxidant capacities of field grown were analyzed in response to different conditions of radiation (PAR and PAR + UV) and temperature (2, 7 and 12 degrees C). The results show that maximal quantum of fluorescence (F-v/F-m) decreased with increasing doses of UV radiation, but remained unaffected by temperature. High levels of soluble phlorotannins were detected and confirmed by microscopic observation revealing the abundance of large physodes. Exposure to UV radiation and elevated temperature showed that phlorotannins were not inducible by UV but increased at 12 degrees C. ROS scavenging capacity was positively correlated with the contents of phlorotannins. In general, highest contents of phlorotannins were correlated with the lowest inhibition of F-v/F-m in all experimental treatments, highlighting the UV-protective role of these compounds in D. anceps.
机译:特有的南极棕色巨藻Desmarestia ance虫具有强烈的阴影适应性,但也显示了应对不同环境压力的高能力,例如紫外线辐射和温度。因此,该物种在宽广的深度梯度上定居,其特征是环境条件的变化。在这项研究中,我们检查了允许D. anceps在很宽的深度范围内生长的不同生理能力是否由高水平的phrotrotannins决定。通过PAM-荧光法测量光合作用,分析不同辐照条件(PAR和PAR + UV)和温度(2、7和12摄氏度)下可溶性邻苯二酚的含量,田间生长的抗氧化能力。结果表明,最大荧光量子(F-v / F-m)随着紫外线辐射剂量的增加而降低,但不受温度的影响。检测到高水平的可溶性邻苯二酚,并通过显微镜观察证实了这些现象,从而发现了大量的大型杀藻器。暴露于紫外线辐射和升高的温度表明,邻苯二酚单宁不是被紫外线诱导的,而是在12摄氏度时增加。ROS清除能力与邻苯二酚单宁的含量呈正相关。通常,在所有实验处理中,邻苯二酚的最高含量与对F-v / F-m的最低抑制作用相关,突出了这些化合物在D. anceps中的紫外线防护作用。



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