首页> 外文期刊>PHM Revue Horticole >Fungal diseases of lawns and greens on golf courses: difficulty of visual diagnosis and expectation of new specialities.

Fungal diseases of lawns and greens on golf courses: difficulty of visual diagnosis and expectation of new specialities.


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Fungal diseases affecting 57 greens on 16 golf courses in the Midi-Pyrenes, France, were visually assessed in 1997 and samples were analysed in the laboratory by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Three fungal diseases were detected visually: those caused by Pythium and Fusarium, and dollar spot (Sclerotinia homoeocarpa). Of the samples analysed by PCR, 57.5% were infected with one fungal genus, 28.75% with 2 genera and 5% with 3 genera. Pythium was the dominant genus, but Fusarium and Curvularia were also common. The importance of the results in determining the choice of fungicides for use in control strategies against fungal diseases on golfing greens is discussed in the light of the difficulty in accurate visual diagnosis.
机译:1997年目测了法国Midi-Pyrenes 16个高尔夫球场上影响57个果岭的真菌病,并在实验室中通过聚合酶链反应(PCR)分析了样品。目视检测到三种真菌病:由腐霉菌和镰刀菌病引起的真菌病,以及美元斑(Sclerotinia homoeocarpa)。通过PCR分析的样品中,有57.5%被一种真菌感染,28.75%被2属感染,5%被3属感染。腐霉属是优势种,但镰刀菌和弯孢菌也很常见。鉴于准确的视觉诊断的困难,讨论了在确定用于高尔夫球果岭真菌疾病控制策略的杀菌剂选择中结果的重要性。



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