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The primordial cosmic atom


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As rigorously proved previously, the expansion of the universe under a Hubble constant does not imply an initial state that is singular in the assumed kinematic sense. Rather, time reversal of the expanding universe points to infinitely many denser but finite initial states. However, the existence of the exothermic nuclear reaction requires a primordial hydrogen atom o composed of all existent hydrogen nuclei for the purposes of conservative time reversal. o would necessarily be a supermassive black hole formed after nucleosynthesis. The implication is that the formation of large galaxies likewise began with the formation of their central supermassive black holes. Consideration of how the primordial, cosmic, hydrogen atom exploded to create the first galaxies could shed light on the nature and origin of dark matter and dark energy.
机译:如先前严格证明的那样,在哈勃常数下的宇宙膨胀并不意味着初始状态在假设的运动学意义上是奇异的。相反,膨胀宇宙的时间反转指向无限多个密集但有限的初始状态。然而,为了保守的时间倒转,放热核反应的存在需要由所有存在的氢核组成的原始氢原子。 o必定是核合成后形成的超大质量黑洞。这意味着大星系的形成同样从其中央超大质量黑洞的形成开始。考虑到原始的,宇宙的氢原子如何爆炸以形成第一个星系,才能揭示暗物质和暗能量的性质和起源。



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