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priorics and a new meaning of space and time


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The objective of this paper is to suggest a new avenue to explore the nonintuitivemeaning of space and time by investigating into their roles in the description of reality. The centralidea is to look at the space-time manifold as a "multiplication space," enabling the plurality of thefundamental entities in the universe. The "points" of this space are the roots of an ontologicalstructure of infinite order [Y. Z. Shoshani, Introduction to Formal Ontology (Philosophy of theNatural Sciences), Proceedings of the 13th International Wittgenstein Symposium (V.H.P. Temfky,Vienna, 1989), pp. 202-209; Phys. Essays 4, 566 (1991); Phys. Essays 11, 512 (1998)]. I will showthat such a description resolves basic philosophical problems associated with the intuitive grasp ofspace-time. It also yields a more coherent image of reality in which the fundamental entities and thepoints of space-time emerge from the same origin. Some interesting physical implications from thistheory will be discussed, including the exponential expansion of the universe, a result compatiblewith the de Sitter solution of Einstein field equations in empty space.
机译:本文的目的是通过研究空间和时间在现实描述中的作用,为探索空间和时间的非直观意义提供一个新途径。中心思想是将时空流形视为“乘法空间”,从而使宇宙中的多个基本实体成为可能。这个空间的“点”是无限阶的本体论结构的根[Y。 Z. Shoshani,《形式本体论导论》(自然科学哲学),第十三届国际维特根斯坦学术研讨会论文集(V.H.P. Temfky,维也纳,1989年),第202-209页;物理论文4,566(1991);物理Essays 11,512(1998)]。我将证明,这样的描述解决了与时空直觉相关的基本哲学问题。它也产生了一个更加连贯的现实形象,其中基本实体和时空点是从同一起源出现的。将讨论该理论的一些有趣的物理含义,包括宇宙的指数扩展,该结果与空空间中爱因斯坦场方程的de Sitter解兼容。



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