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Time Moves Backward (Relative to Near-Earth Telescopes) for Receding Galaxies


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In the time r/c that it takes high-z light from a receding galaxy to travel to a near-Earth telescope from a distance ofr, the galaxy will have had billions of years to travel at a relativistic speed to a distance r' much farther from Earth than its distance r " r' when the light was emitted (because gravity is not reducing the rate of cosmic expansion). Once the light has been detected from distance r, and Earth has moved far into the future over r'/c time, the galactic light emitted from that more distant position r' can be detected near Earth and will show the galaxy much farther in the past due to the greater light travel time r'/c " r/c, and not just because recent events are continually being added to the past. A quantified example is given to illustrate the general principle: As a cosmic observer moves into the future by continuing to detect light from receding galaxies, the galaxies are moving increasingly into the past, approaching the initial state of the cosmos z = oo as a limit. This contradicts the fundamental postulate of the big-bang theory that all constituents of the cosmos move together from past to future along the same timeline, and that time reversal can be invoked to imply a dense, collapsed singularity as the initial state. Instead, we find that the initial state ofz = oo where time begins and space ends is approached asymptotically as the speed of receding galaxies asymptotically approaches the vacuum speed c of light.
机译:在r / c从后退星系到远距离望远镜到近地望远镜需要高z光的时间里,星系将已经以相对论的速度行进数十亿年,直到距离r'发出光时,它离地球的距离比其距离r“ r'更远(因为重力并未降低宇宙膨胀的速度)。一旦从距离r检测到光,并且地球已在r'/在c时间,从更远的位置r'发射的银河光可以在地球附近被检测到,并且由于光传播时间r'/ c“ r / c更长,过去显示银河的距离更远,而不仅仅是因为最近事件不断被添加到过去。给出一个量化的例子来说明一般原理:随着宇宙观察者通过继续检测后退星系发出的光进入未来,这些星系正越来越多地进入过去,接近宇宙的初始状态z = oo作为极限。 。这与宇宙大爆炸理论的基本假设相矛盾,即宇宙的所有组成部分都沿着同一时间线从过去移到未来,并且可以调用时间逆转来暗示密集的,崩溃的奇点作为初始状态。相反,我们发现随着后退星系的速度渐近地接近光的真空速度c,z = oo的初始状态(时间开始且空间结束)渐近地接近。



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