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The Locality of the Superposition Principle Is Dictated by Detection Processes


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Both classical and quantum physics thrive on the superposition principle (SP), yet the former takes it as a local effect and the latter assumes it as a nonlocal phenomenon. We take the SP as a tool to bridge the two worlds into one causal framework by introducing extended interpretations of each of the mathematical symbols and operators representing the photon-detection equation for the case of various two-beam interferometer experiments. The experiments dramatize classical locality. The locality argument arises because the recorded energy redistribution due to the superposition of fields is due to real energy exchange through field-dipole interaction, and not to field-field interaction. Electromagnetic (EM) fields do not interact with each other in the absence of material dipoles. All quantum-mechanical interactions are mediated through amplitude-amplitude stimulation, which is at the root of the SP. The detector dipoles attempt to respond to the sum of all the locally superposed EM fields, if allowed quantum-mechanically, actualizing the principle of superposition. The energy exchange of the dipoles follows the standard prescription, the ensemble average of the square modulus of all the superposed amplitudes, (ptp*p -l.gipg), but for this paper y/p represents the undulation of the detector dipoles induced by the pth EM field rather than the field itself. The summation is carried out by the dipoles when allowed by their intrinsic quantum properties.
机译:古典物理学和量子物理学都在叠加原理(SP)上蓬勃发展,但是前者将其视为局部效应,而后者则将其视为非局部现象。我们将SP作为工具,通过对各种数学符号和代表两种光子干涉仪实验情况下的光子检测方程的算子进行扩展解释,将两个世界桥接成一个因果框架。实验戏剧化了古典地方。出现局部性争论的原因是,由于场的叠加而导致的记录的能量重新分布是由于通过场-偶极相互作用进行的实际能量交换,而不是由于场-场相互作用。在没有材料偶极子的情况下,电磁场不会相互影响。所有的量子力学相互作用都是通过振幅-振幅刺激来介导的,这是SP的根源。如果允许量子力学,探测器偶极子会尝试响应所有局部叠加的EM场的总和,从而实现叠加原理。偶极子的能量交换遵循标准规定,即所有叠加振幅的平方模量的集合平均(ptp * p -l.gipg),但对于本文而言,y / p表示由探测器引起的探测器偶极子的起伏pth EM字段而不是字段本身。当偶极子的固有量子特性允许时,求和由偶极子执行。



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