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Complements of the Theory of Ether


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In two preceding articles [Thierry Delort, Phys, Essays 13, 573 (2000); 17, 259 (2004)] we exposed fundamental elements of the theory of ether (TE). In this article we propose a deepened study of phenomena linked to astrophysics according to the TE. This article follows the second article above, and it is necessary to have read it before reading the present article. In particular, we study, according to the TE, the observations concerning a supernova presented in Perlmutter et al. [Nature 391, 51 (1998)], the evaluation of distances in the universe, the temperature in the universe, and the factors that we must take into account in order to obtain the age of the universe using Hubble's law. We also study the gravitational field and the topology of the universe. We also add complements concerning kinematics and optics. We interpret Fizeau 's experiment by the TE and we give a comparison between the TE and special relativity. So this article proposes some new fundamental ideas brought by the TE concerning astrophysics and in particular the expansion of the universe.
机译:在之前的两篇文章中[Thierry Delort,Phys,Essays 13,573(2000); 17,259(2004)],我们揭露了以太(TE)理论的基本要素。在本文中,我们根据TE建议对与天体物理学有关的现象进行更深入的研究。本文紧随上面的第二篇文章,在阅读本文章之前有必要先阅读它。特别是,根据TE,我们研究了Perlmutter等人提出的有关超新星的观测。 [Nature 391,51(1998)],对宇宙中距离的评估,宇宙中的温度以及为了使用哈勃定律获得宇宙的年龄而必须考虑的因素。我们还研究了万有引力场和宇宙的拓扑。我们还添加了有关运动学和光学的补充。我们用TE解释费索的实验,并比较TE和相对论。因此,本文提出了TE带来的有关天体物理学,特别是宇宙膨胀的一些新的基本思想。



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