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Diachronic Representation of Space-Time Applied to Problems in Special Relativity and in Quantum Optics


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A central observer at Greenwich builds in real time a diachronic representation of4-D(t) space-time by assigning two distinct times to a given remote event, such as a meteorite impact on Mars: (1) diachronic time read on his Greenwich clock (GMT) at observation time, and (2) synchronic or local Einstein time as directly seen from Greenwich on the Mars clock. In a spherical coordinate system the Greenwich diachronic observer uses local Einstein time relative to diachronic time as a radial coordinate, leaving the role of the fourth coordinate to diachronic time. In a 4-D(t) conceptual framework the same diachronic time applies integrally to all directly observed local Einstein times, thus implying an infinite diachronic speed for incoming light. In the 4-D(t) conceptual framework the detection of a photon is considered to be an instantaneous transfer of energy and momentum across the time gap between emitter and receiver. The Lorentz transformation can be obtained by requiring that history updated now and here be the same for another observer flying by. Some results are (1) the conventional (synchronic) speed of light c is identified with the flow of time, (2) the twin paradox is resolved in a twin-symmetric fashion, and (3) a new solution for the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox maintains harmony between special relativity and quantum mechanics. The diachronic approach presents the pedagogical advantage of using a single diagram to display space-time relationships of events in two coordinate systems in relative motion.
机译:格林威治的中央观测员通过将两个不同的时间分配给给定的远程事件,例如陨石对火星的影响,实时建立4-D(t)时空的历时表示:(1)在他的格林威治钟上读取历时。 (GMT)的观测时间,以及(2)从格林威治火星时钟直接看到的同步或局部爱因斯坦时间。在球坐标系中,格林威治历时观测器使用相对于历时的局部爱因斯坦时间作为径向坐标,而将第四坐标的作用留给历时。在4-D(t)概念框架中,相同的历时时间会整体应用于所有直接观测到的局部爱因斯坦时间,因此暗示入射光的无限历时速度。在4-D(t)概念框架中,光子的检测被认为是跨发射器和接收器之间时间间隔的能量和动量的瞬时转移。可以通过要求现在更新历史记录来获得洛伦兹变换,这里的历史记录与其他经过的观察者相同。一些结果是(1)用时间流来识别常规的(同步)光速c,(2)以双对称方式解决了孪生悖论,(3)爱因斯坦-波多尔斯基的新解决方案罗森悖论保持了狭义相对论和量子力学之间的和谐。历时性方法显示了使用单个图表显示相对运动中两个坐标系中事件的时空关系的教学优势。



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