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Experience of Tanzanian Traditional Healers in the Management of Non-insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus


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Traditional healers from four wards of the Kilosa district, Morogoro region (Tanzania) were interviewed to assess their knowledge and competence in the management of non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). Among 65 reputed healers who were interviewed, 21 (32.3%) recognised and were treating one or more symptoms related to NIDDM, but none could unambiguously relate the symptoms they were treating with NIDDM. Based on what the traditional healers revealed, 54 plants representing 54 species, 48 genera and 33 families were collected. Two of the Kilosa plants, Cassia auriculata and Ricinus communis are reported to have a hypoglycaemic activity, while Securinega virosa has been shown to improve oral glucose tolerance in rabbits. Albizzia anthelmintica has hypocholesterolemic activity and some of the plants also have antibacterial and antifungal activity which may benefit NIDDM patients. Some of the ethnomedical reports of the Kilosa healers, related to management of diabetes, have been reported from other areas. However, one of the reported plants, Albizzia versicolor, is toxic. We conclude that the traditional healers of Kilosa district can not unambiguously diagnose diabetes mellitus as a disease entity, but some of them recognise symptoms characteristic of the disease and they are well-known with plants that may be useful in alleviating its symptoms. Two of the plants they mentioned, Cassia auriculata and Ricinus communis, have a proven hypoglycaemic effect. Careful sieving of the knowledge in the custody of the Kilosa district healers is needed to sort out possibly toxic plants and to determine the other properties of these plants that may be useful in the management of diabetes mellitus.
机译:采访了来自莫罗哥罗地区(坦桑尼亚)Kilosa地区四个病区的传统治疗师,以评估他们在非胰岛素依赖型糖尿病(NIDDM)管理方面的知识和能力。在接受采访的65位知名治疗师中,有21位(32.3%)认识到并正在治疗一种或多种与NIDDM相关的症状,但是没有人能够明确地将他们正在接受NIDDM治疗的症状与治疗相关。根据传统治疗师的发现,收集了代表54种,48属和33个科的54种植物。据报道,两种Kilosa植物,即决明子和Ricinus communis具有降血糖活性,而已证明Securinega virosa可以改善兔子的口服葡萄糖耐量。炭疽菌具有降胆固醇的活性,某些植物还具有抗菌和抗真菌活性,这可能会使NIDDM患者受益。其他地区也有关于Kilosa治疗师的一些有关糖尿病管理的民族学报告。但是,已报道的植物之一杂色Albizzia有毒。我们得出的结论是,Kilosa地区的传统治疗师无法明确地将糖尿病诊断为疾病实体,但是其中一些人认识到该疾病的症状特征,并且它们在缓解疾病症状中很有用。他们提到的两种植物:决明子和蓖麻(Ricinus communis)具有降血糖作用。需要仔细筛查基洛萨地区医务人员的监护知识,以筛选出可能有毒的植物,并确定这些植物的其他特性,这些特性可用于糖尿病的管理。



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