首页> 外文期刊>Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior >Testosterone is required for corticosteroid-binding globulin upregulation by morphine to be fully manifested.

Testosterone is required for corticosteroid-binding globulin upregulation by morphine to be fully manifested.


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We previously reported that morphine increases the concentration of corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG) in blood of male, but not female, rats. This pronounced sexual dimorphism suggested that CBG upregulation by morphine might be androgen-dependent. In the current studies, we found that castration, whether performed just before or just after puberty or in adulthood, increased the concentration of CBG in adult male rats. Naltrexone did not prevent this increase and, therefore, it does not appear to be attributable to the release of endogenous opioids. Exposure to morphine for 1 week in adulthood increased ( approximately 100%) the concentration of CBG in intact, i.e., sham-castrated, males. The CBG levels of castrated rats treated with morphine did not differ from those of intact rats treated with morphine. However, because castration increased the concentration of CBG, the difference between the placebo and morphine groups decreased with time after castration. At 4 weeks after castration, the difference between the morphine and placebo groups (19%) was no longer statistically significant. Testosterone replacement prevented the rise in CBG levels following castration and maintained the magnitude of the difference between placebo and morphine-treated rats within the normal range. Thus, testosterone appears necessary for morphine effects on CBG to be fully manifested.



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