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Breastfeeding and brain development.


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Although biochemical evidence seems to support the fact that more DHA is incorporated into the brain of breastfed infants compared with formula-fed infants, whether the levels of DHA in the brain are clinically significant is unclear. Because randomized trials cannot be done, this issue is difficult to study. The effects of breastfeeding on developmental outcome in term infants seems to be small or insignificant. For otherwise healthy children the potential differences are not clinically relevant; however, these small differences distributed over an entire population might have a significant effect on society. Although significant methodologic concerns exist, the effects of breastfeeding on preterm infants may be greater than those for term infants. Extremely low birth weight, premature infants (< 750-1000 g) have been found to have IQs that are 13 points lower than term controls and a 50% to 60% risk for requiring special-education services when they are in school. In these infants, small improvements in IQ and neurologic function could have a much greater effect. Further study of neurodevelopmental outcome in premature infants fed breast milk compared with those fed preterm formula are indicated. This information should not change the practice of encouraging breastfeeding of term and preterm infants because other advantages to breastfeeding exist.
机译:尽管生化证据似乎支持这样的事实,即与配方喂养婴儿相比,母乳喂养婴儿的大脑中掺入了更多的DHA,但尚不清楚大脑中DHA的水平是否具有临床意义。由于无法进行随机试验,因此很难研究此问题。母乳喂养对足月儿发育结局的影响似乎很小或无关紧要。对于其他健康儿童而言,潜在差异与临床无关。但是,分布在整个人口中的这些微小差异可能会对社会产生重大影响。尽管存在重大的方法论问题,但母乳喂养对早产儿的影响可能大于对足月儿的影响。已发现出生体重极低的早产儿(<750-1000 g)智商比足月对照组低13点,并且在学校时需要特殊教育的风险为50%至60%。在这些婴儿中,智商和神经功能的小幅改善可能会产生更大的影响。与进食早产婴儿配方奶粉相比,需要对进食母乳的早产婴儿的神经发育结局进行进一步研究。该信息不应改变鼓励足月和早产儿母乳喂养的做法,因为存在母乳喂养的其他优点。



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