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Reframing developmental biology and building evolutionary theory's new synthesis.


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Gilbert and Epel present a new approach to developmental biology: embryogenesis must be understood within the full context of the organism's environment. Instead of an insular embryo following a genetic blueprint, this revised program maintains that embryogenesis is subject to inputs from the environment that generate novel genetic variation with dynamic consequences for development. Beyond allelic variation of structural genes and of regulatory loci, plasticity-derived epigenetic variation completes the triad of the major types of variation required for evolution. Developmental biology and ecology, disciplines that have previously been regarded as distinct, are presented here as fully integrated under the rubric of "eco-devo," and from this perspective, which highlights how the environment not only selects variation, it helps construct it, another synthesis with evolutionary biology must also be made, "eco-evo-devo." This second integration has enormous implications for expanding evolution theory, inasmuch as the Modern Synthesis (Provine 1971), which combined classical genetics and Darwinism in the mid-20th century, did not account for the role of development in evolution. The eco-evo-devo synthesis thus portends a major theoretical inflection in evolutionary biology. Following a description of these scientific developments, comment is offered as to how this new integrated approach might be understood within the larger shifts in contemporary biology.
机译:吉尔伯特(Gilbert)和埃佩尔(Epel)提出了一种新的发育生物学方法:必须在生物环境的完整背景下理解胚胎发生。修订后的计划坚持认为,胚胎发生是受环境输入的影响,而不是遗传蓝图之后的岛屿胚,而环境产生的新遗传变异会对发育产生动态影响。除了结构基因和调节基因座的等位基因变异以外,可塑性衍生的表观遗传变异还完善了进化所需的主要变异类型的三联体。发育生物学和生态学,以前被认为是截然不同的学科,在这里以“生态发展”的主题进行了全面整合,并从这个角度出发,强调了环境不仅如何选择变异,而且还有助于构建变异,还必须进行另一种具有进化生物学的合成,即“ eco-evo-devo”。第二次整合对于扩展进化论具有巨大的意义,因为在20世纪中叶将古典遗传学和达尔文主义结合在一起的现代综合(Provine 1971)并没有说明发展在进化中的作用。因此,eco-evo-devo合成预示着进化生物学的一个重大理论拐点。在描述了这些科学发展之后,提出了有关如何在当代生物学的更大变化中如何理解这种新的整合方法的评论。



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