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Subglottic hemangioma: a comparison of CO2 laser, Neodym-Yag laser, and tracheostomy.


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For airway obstruction caused by subglottic hemangiomas, tracheostomy is still regarded by some as the only established therapy, despite numerous other therapeutic options. Resection with lasers was also reported, but subglottic scar formation may occur, and different laser types may have advantages over others. The charts of 46 consecutive patients over 26 years were reviewed. Until 1986, therapy involved systemic steroids or tracheostomy. Thereafter, a Neodym-Yag and after 1995 a CO2 laser was used. Mean initial stenosis was 61.0% in the first (n=15), 85.8% in the Neodym-Yag (n=14), and 86.7% in the CO2 period (n=17). Tracheostomy rates could be reduced from 76.9% to 46.9% with the Neodym-Yag and to 30.8% with the CO2 laser, and to 22.2% in children not intubated before referral. One tracheostomy obstruction resulted in severe neurological damage; granulomas required resection in 37.5%. Secondary subglottic stenosis was found in 15.4% with the Neodym-Yag, but not with the CO2 laser. With tracheostomy, 12.5% were symptom-free at age 2-3 years, vs. 25.0% in the Neodym-Yag and 41.6% in the CO2 laser period. Speech development was delayed in 75.0% with tracheostomy, and parental anxiety lessened in only 18.8% before the second birthday (68.8% without tracheostomy). Since the end of the retrospective analysis, we treated a further 21 patients (mean stenosis, 83.3%) with the CO2 laser, with only one tracheostomy (4.8%). Compared to steroids and tracheostomy, a significant reduction in morbidity and speech developmental delay, and an improved quality of life, were achieved with CO2 laser resection, and this approach was superior to the Neodym-Yag laser.
机译:对于声门下血管瘤引起的气道阻塞,尽管有许多其他治疗选择,气管切开术仍被认为是唯一的既定治疗方法。也有报道称用激光切除,但可能会形成声门下疤痕,不同类型的激光可能比其他类型具有优势。回顾了过去26年的46位连续患者的图表。直到1986年,治疗涉及全身性类固醇或气管切开术。此后,使用Neodym-Yag激光器,1995年之后使用CO2激光器。最初的平均狭窄率在第一阶段为61.0%(n = 15),在Neodym-Yag中为85.8%(n = 14),在CO2时期为86.7%(n = 17)。 Neodym-Yag气管切开术的比率可以从76.9%降低到46.9%,CO2激光可以将气管切开术的比率降低到30.8%,转诊前未插管的儿童的气管切开术的比率可以降低到22.2%。一种气管切开术阻塞导致严重的神经系统损害;肉芽肿需要切除的占37.5%。 Neodym-Yag发现继发性声门下狭窄的发生率为15.4%,而CO2激光则没有。气管切开术在2-3岁时无症状的比例为12.5%,而Neodym-Yag组为25.0%,CO2激光期间为41.6%。气管切开术使言语发育延迟75.0%,而第二个生日之前父母的焦虑感仅降低了18.8%(无气管切开术则减少了68.8%)。自回顾性分析结束以来,我们用CO2激光治疗了21例患者(平均狭窄率为83.3%),仅进行了一次气管切开术(4.8%)。与类固醇和气管切开术相比,CO2激光切除可显着降低发病率和语音发育延迟,并改善生活质量,并且这种方法优于Neodym-Yag激光。



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