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Trapped, two-armed, nearly vertical oscillations in disks with toroidal magnetic fields


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We have examined the trapping of two-armed (m = 2) nearly vertical oscillations (vertical p-mode) in vertically isothermal (c_s = const.) relativistic disks with toroidal magnetic fields. The magnetic fields are stratified so that the Alfvén speed, cA, is constant in the vertical direction. The ratio c~2_A /c~2_s in the vertical direction is taken to be a parameter that examines the effects of magnetic fields on wave trapping. We find that the two-armed nearly vertical oscillations are trapped in the inner region of the disks, and their frequencies decrease with an increase of c~2_A =c~2_s The trapped regions of the fundamental (n = 1) and the first-overtone (n = 2) are narrow (less than the length of the Schwarzschild radius, rg), and their frequencies are relatively high (on the order of the angular frequency of disk rotation in the inner region). In contrast to this, the second overtone (n = 3) is trapped in a wide region (a few times rg), and the frequencies are low and tend to zero in the limit of c~2_A =c~2_s = 2.0.
机译:我们已经研究了在具有环形磁场的垂直等温(c_s =常数)相对论磁盘中两臂(m = 2)近乎垂直的振动(垂直p模式)的俘获。磁场被分层,因此Alfvén速度cA在垂直方向上是恒定的。垂直方向上的比率c〜2_A / c〜2_s被认为是检验磁场对陷波的影响的参数。我们发现,两臂近乎垂直的振荡被困在磁盘的内部区域,并且它们的频率随着c〜2_A = c〜2_s的增加而降低。泛音(n = 2)较窄(小于Schwarzschild半径的长度rg),并且它们的频率相对较高(按内部区域中磁盘旋转的角频率的顺序)。与此相反,第二泛音(n = 3)被困在较宽的区域(rg的若干倍),并且频率较低,并且在c〜2_A = c〜2_s = 2.0的范围内趋于零。



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