首页> 外文期刊>Pediatric and developmental pathology: the official journal of the Society for Pediatric Pathology and the Paediatric Pathology Society >Histologic Patterns of Thymic Involvement in Langerhans Cell Proliferations: A Clinicopathologic Study and Review of the Literature

Histologic Patterns of Thymic Involvement in Langerhans Cell Proliferations: A Clinicopathologic Study and Review of the Literature


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Thymic involvement by Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) has been described mainly in isolated case reports. A description of the histopathologic patterns of LCH proliferations in the thymus, together with therapeutic implications, has not, to our knowledge, been previously addressed. The pathology consultation files at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center were reviewed for cases of thymic involvement by LCH. Relevant cases in the literature were also reviewed, and the histopathology and clinical course of those cases were collected. Nine consultation cases of thymic involvement were reviewed, together with 23 cases in the literature, which provided adequate pathologic description and ancillary confirmation (n = 32), revealing 4 distinct pathologic groups. Group 1 showed microscopic collection of hyperplastic LCH-like cells in incidental thymectomies of patients without LCH disease, requiring no further treatment (n = 7; 22%). Group 2 showed solitary and/or cystic LCH of the thymus with gland disruption, and at least 3 cases resolved without systemic therapy (n = 10; 31%). Group 3 showed more variable thymic involvement in multisystemic LCH disease, with either a medullary restricted pattern or more diffuse gland involvement, requiring adjuvant therapy and having a higher mortality rate (n = 13; 41%). Group 4 showed a mixed histiocytic lesion with a concurrent LCH and juvenile xanthogranuloma-like proliferation (n = 2; 6%). Thymic involvement in LCH is quite rare. Based on our cases and those in the literature, we propose 4 distinct pathologic groups of thymic involvement in Langerhans cell proliferations with relevance for diagnosis and treatment.
机译:朗格汉斯细胞组织细胞增生症(LCH)的胸腺受累主要在单独的病例报告中有所描述。据我们所知,以前在胸腺中LCH增殖的组织病理学模式及其治疗意义的描述尚未得到解决。 LCH对宾夕法尼亚大学医学中心匹兹堡儿童医院的病理咨询文件进行了胸腺受累病例的审查。还回顾了文献中的相关病例,并收集了这些病例的组织病理学和临床过程。回顾了9例胸腺受累的咨询病例,以及文献中的23例,提供了充分的病理学描述和辅助确认(n = 32),揭示了4个不同的病理学组。第1组显示了无LCH疾病患者的偶然胸腺切除术中增生的LCH样细胞的显微收集,无需进一步治疗(n = 7; 22%)。第2组显示胸腺LCH呈孤立性和/或囊性破坏,至少3例无需全身治疗即可治愈(n = 10; 31%)。第3组显示多系统性LCH疾病的胸腺受累变化更大,有髓样受限模式或有更多的弥漫性腺受累,需要辅助治疗且死亡率更高(n = 13; 41%)。第4组显示混合组织细胞病变,并发LCH和少年类黄原肉芽肿样增生(n = 2; 6%)。胸腺癌涉及LCH非常罕见。根据我们的病例和文献中的病例,我们提出了4个不同的胸腺病理学类别,它们参与了Langerhans细胞增殖,与诊断和治疗有关。



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