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An Act of folly


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Philip Evans acknowledges that the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act is intended to prevent people evading payment of what they owe. But he sees it as an indiscriminate law that will be particularly hard on the poor and vulnerable. WE SHOULD never be too critical of governments wanting to maximise collection of taxes, fines and other revenue. That is what we expect of responsible government. But we also expect things such as social justice and economic stability. I doubt ministers and officials thought the draft Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Bill would go anywhere fast, but on 26 September 2006 the BBC broadcast a Whistleblower programme about bailiffs. It was based around the revelations of an undercover reporter who worked for two large bailiff companies. It bumped the Bill up the government's list of priorities.
机译:菲利普·埃文斯(Philip Evans)承认,《法庭,法院和执法法》旨在防止人们逃避偿还欠款。但是他认为这是一条不分青红皂白的法律,对穷人和弱势群体特别困难。对于政府希望最大程度地征税,罚款和其他收入的政府,我们永远不要太批评。这就是我们对负责任政府的期望。但是我们也期望诸如社会正义和经济稳定之类的事情。我怀疑部长和官员是否认为《法庭,法院和执法法案》草案会很快到位,但是2006年9月26日,英国广播公司播出了有关法警的举报节目。它基于一位为两家大型法警公司工作的卧底记者的启示。它使该法案升格为政府的优先事项。



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