首页> 外文期刊>Parasitology Research >Microfilariae in birds in the Czech Republic, including a note on adult nematodes Eufilaria delicata in a song thrush Turdus philomelos.

Microfilariae in birds in the Czech Republic, including a note on adult nematodes Eufilaria delicata in a song thrush Turdus philomelos.

机译:捷克共和国鸟类中的微丝e虫,包括在鹅口疮画眉TurTurdus philomelos中关于成虫线虫Eufilaria delicata的注释。

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Blood samples of more than 1,100 passerineform birds of 40 species were investigated for the occurrence of microfilariae. In the year 2005, 3 out of 677 birds of 31 species (prevalence 0.4%) were infected with microfilariae during the post-nesting period. During the pre-nesting period in the year 2007, 11 out of 438 birds of 31 species were infected with microfilariae (prevalence 2.5%). Both the pre-nesting and post-nesting examinations were conducted at the same location in the northeastern part of the Czech Republic. The microfilariae of the Eufilaria delicata and Ornithofilaria mavis species were found in Turdus merula, Turdus philomelos, and Erithacus rubecula (Passeriformes, Turdidae). Single individual of Poecile montanus (Passeriformes, Paridae) was infected with undetermined microfilariae. The morphometric variability of microfilariae found in T. philomelos, E. rubecula, and Poecile montanus were recorded. Infections caused by microfilariae E. delicata were more frequent than infections caused by O. mavis. Seven adult nematodes E. delicata were found in a subcutaneous cyst on the heel joint in one T. philomelos, which is the first record of adult E. delicata nematodes in birds in the Czech Republic.
机译:调查了40种物种的1,100多种雀形鸟的血样中微丝虫的发生。在2005年的31种鸟类中,有3种(流行率为0.4%)在巢后感染了丝虫病。在2007年的巢前期中,在31种鸟类的438只鸟中,有11只感染了丝虫病(流行率为2.5%)。嵌套前和嵌套后检查均在捷克共和国东北部的同一地点进行。 Eufilaria delicata和Ornithofilaria mavis种类的微丝aria虫存在于Turdus merula,Turdus philomelos和Erithacus rubecula(Passeriformes,Turdidae)中。未定的微丝e虫感染了单株Poecile montanus(Passeriformes,Paridae)。记录了在菲氏梭菌,风疹杆菌和褐藻中发现的微丝虫的形态变化。由微丝ariaE。delicata引起的感染比由O. mavis引起的感染更为频繁。在一个费城线虫的足跟关节的皮下囊肿中发现了七个成年线虫大肠杆菌,这是捷克共和国鸟类中成年线虫大肠杆菌的首次记录。



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