首页> 外文期刊>Pain management nursing: official journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses >Does Attendance at a Sickle Cell Educational Conference Improve Clinician Knowledge and Attitude Toward Patients with Sickle Cell Disease?

Does Attendance at a Sickle Cell Educational Conference Improve Clinician Knowledge and Attitude Toward Patients with Sickle Cell Disease?


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Sickle cell disease (SCD) is a genetic disease associated with both chronic pain and acute painful events referred to as vaso-occlusive crises. Individuals with SCD suffer from a multitude of medical complications in addition to pain. Patients often are stigmatized as "drug-seeking'' and receive inadequate pain management. The purpose of this study was to compare clinicians' SCD knowledge and attitudes toward patients with SCD before attending a 2-day conference on SCD (T1) with knowledge and attitudes immediately postconference (T2) and 2 months postconference (T3). A prospective, descriptive survey design was used. The authors administered surveys to assess SCD knowledge and clinicians' attitudes toward patients with SCD at three time points: T1 (N = 59), T2 (N = 38), and T3 (N = 30). SCD knowledge was measured using a 20-item survey, and clinicians' attitudes toward patients with SCD were measured with the General Perceptions About Sickle Cell Patients Scale, which included items on four independent subscales: positive attitudes, negative attitudes, concern-raising behaviors, and red-flag behaviors. The authors compared changes in knowledge and attitude scores between T1-T2 and T1-T3. Overall, knowledge scores were significantly improved (p < .001) and significantly increased between T1-T2 (p < .0001) and T1-T3 (p = .01). Negative attitudes trended lower over the three time points (p = .07), but a significant decrease in the negative attitudes score was only noted for T1-T3 (Z = -2.16.17, p = .03). Attendance at an educational SCD conference was an effective means to improve knowledge and decrease negative attitudes among clinicians. These differences were maintained at 2 months postconference. (C) 2016 by the American Society for Pain Management Nursing
机译:镰状细胞病(SCD)是与慢性疼痛和急性疼痛事件(称为血管闭塞性危机)相关的遗传疾病。患有SCD的人除痛苦外还遭受多种医疗并发症的困扰。患者经常被贴上“寻求药物”的标签,并且没有得到足够的疼痛控制,本研究的目的是在参加为期2天的SCD(T1)会议之前,比较临床医生对SCD患者的SCD知识和态度。会议后立即态度(T2)和会议后两个月(T3)使用前瞻性描述性调查设计作者在三个时间点进行调查以评估SCD知识和临床医生对SCD患者的态度:T1(N = 59) ,T2(N = 38)和T3(N = 30)。SCD知识是通过20个项目的问卷调查来衡量的,而临床医生对SCD患者的态度是通过《镰状细胞患者总体认知量表》来衡量的。在四个独立的子量表上:积极态度,消极态度,关注举止行为和危险信号行为。作者比较了T1-T2和T1-T3之间知识和态度得分的变化。在T1-T2(p <.0001)和T1-T3(p = .01)之间显着提高(p <.001),并显着增加。消极态度在三个时间点上趋于降低(p = .07),但仅在T1-T3时才注意到消极态度得分显着下降(Z = -2.16.17,p = .03)。参加教育性SCD会议是提高临床医生知识和减少负面态度的有效手段。这些差异在会议后2个月得以维持。 (C)2016年美国疼痛管理学会



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