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Comparison of sleep estimation using wrist actigraphy and waist actigraphy in healthy young adults


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The aim of this study was to compare the simultaneous analysis of sleep using wrist actigraphy and waist actigraphy in healthy young subjects. We studied 102 healthy university students (55 men, 47 women), aged 18-40 years. Participants were instructed to continue normal life activities and sleep-wake rhythms for 7 consecutive nights without extraordinary events. Wrist actigraphy was measured using the Octagonal Basic Motionlogger Actigraph (actigraph), and waist actigraphy was recorded using the Lifecorder PLUS. Data for 633 nights from 95 participants were analyzed to determine sleep onset latency, wake episodes, wake after sleep onset (WASO), time in bed, total sleep time (TST) and sleep efficiency (SE). No significant differences were found between the two methods for the measurement of sleep onset latency and time in bed. Significant differences in measurements were identified for wake episodes (F1,1265 = 126.39, P 0.001), WASO (F1,1265 = 1139.39, P 0.001), TST (F1,1265 = 275.21, P 0.001), and SE (F1,1265 = 1258.31, P 0.001). The Lifecorder was found to considerably overestimate WASO relative to the actigraph, leading to a corresponding underestimation of TST and SE relative to the actigraph. Our results in this population of young healthy adults identify important similarities and differences between the two methods for quantifying sleep.
机译:这项研究的目的是比较在健康的年轻受试者中使用腕部手法和腰部手法对睡眠的同时分析。我们研究了102名健康的大学生(55名男性,47名女性),年龄18至40岁。指示参与者连续7个晚上继续正常的生活活动和睡眠觉醒节奏,而无需发生特殊事件。使用八角形基本运动记录器活动记录仪(actigraph)测量手腕活动记录,并使用Lifecorder PLUS记录腰部活动记录。分析了来自95名参与者的633个晚上的数据,以确定睡眠发作潜伏期,唤醒发作,睡眠发作后唤醒(WASO),卧床时间,总睡眠时间(TST)和睡眠效率(SE)。两种测量睡眠发作潜伏期和卧床时间的方法之间没有发现显着差异。在唤醒事件(F1,1265 = 126.39,P <0.001),WASO(F1,1265 = 1139.39,P <0.001),TST(F1,1265 = 275.21,P <0.001)和SE( F1,1265 = 1258.31,P <0.001)。发现救生衣相对于书法作品大大高估了WASO,从而相对于书法作品相应地低估了TST和SE。我们在年轻健康成年人群中的研究结果确定了两种量化睡眠方法的重要异同。



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