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Method for Predicting Homology Modeling Accuracy from Amino AcidSequence Alignment: the Power Function


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We have devised a power function (PF) that can predict the accuracy of a three-dimensional (3D) structuremodel of a protein using only amino acid sequence alignments. This Power Function (PF) consists of three parts;(1) the length of a model, (2) a homology identity percent value and (3) the agreement rate between PSI-PREDsecondary structure prediction and the secondary structure judgment of a reference protein. The PF value ismathematically computed from the execution process of homology search tools, such as FASTA or variousBLAST programs, to obtain the amino acid sequence alignments. There is a high correlation between the globaldistance test-total score (GDT_TS) value of the protein model based upon the PF score and the GDT_TS,A,value used as an index of protein modeling accuracy in the international contest Critical Assessment of Tech-niques for Protein Structure Prediction (CASP). Accordingly, the PF method is valuable for constructing ahighly accurate model without wasteful calculations of homology modeling that is normally performed by an it-erative method to move the main chain and side chains in the modeling process. Moreover, a model with higheraccuracy can be obtained by combining the models ordered by the PF score with models sorted by the size of theCIRCLE score. The CIRCLE software is a 3D-1D program, in which energetic stabilization is estimated basedupon the experimental environment of each amino acid residue in the protein solution or protein crystals.
机译:我们设计了幂函数(PF),可以仅使用氨基酸序列比对来预测蛋白质的三维(3D)结构模型的准确性。该幂函数(PF)由三部分组成;(1)模型的长度;(2)同源性同一性百分比值;(3)PSI-PRED二级结构预测与参考蛋白二级结构判断之间的一致性。从同源搜索工具(例如FASTA或各种BLAST程序)的执行过程中以数学方式计算PF值,以获得氨基酸序列比对。基于PF分数的蛋白质模型的全球距离测验总分数(GDT_TS)值与在国际比赛中对蛋白质建模准确性的评价中用作蛋白质建模准确性指标的GDT_TS,A值之间存在高度相关性用于蛋白质结构预测(CASP)。因此,PF方法对于构建高精度模型而没有浪费的同源性建模计算非常有价值,而同源性建模通常是通过迭代方法在建模过程中移动主链和侧链来进行的。此外,可以通过将PF分数排序的模型与按CIRCLE分数的大小排序的模型进行组合来获得具有较高准确性的模型。 CIRCLE软件是一个3D-1D程序,其中,根据蛋白质溶液或蛋白质晶体中每个氨基酸残基的实验环境估算能量的稳定性。



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