首页> 外文期刊>Statistical Journal of the IAOS: Journal of the International Association for Official Statistics >Spatial statistics on the web: A joint project between Finland's National Statistical Institute and National Mapping Agency to improve usability of spatial statistics

Spatial statistics on the web: A joint project between Finland's National Statistical Institute and National Mapping Agency to improve usability of spatial statistics


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Statistics Finland published datasets via the Finnish National Geoportal, Paikkatietoikkuna, for the first time in 2013. The Geoportal provides spatial data discovery and viewing services based on standard Web Map Service interfaces (WMS). In addition, the Geoportal enables standard Web Feature Services (WFS) and browsing of features in an integrated view where data are visualised as maps and tables of attributes. Today, Statistics Finland provides more than 200 WMS and WFS datasets for browsing and integrating on the Finnish National Geoportal together with about 2,000 other national geospatial datasets. Spatial Statistics on Web was a joint project by Statistics Finland and the National Land Survey of Finland to improve the national geoportal services from the viewpoint of statistical data users. The project followed the European Union's INSPIRE Directive (2007) obligations and received a grant from Eurostat. The project implemented an open source web application (Oskari) to tailor spatial analysis tools to statistical data and focused on developing tools for analysing grid-based data (although most of the developed analysis methods can be used for other kinds of spatial data as well). The application, including the user guide, is in three languages: Finnish, Swedish and English. The paper describes how the joint project between the National Statistics Institute and National Mapping Agency in Finland was inspired by the expansion of open data and open source development.
机译:芬兰统计局于2013年首次通过芬兰国家地理门户网站Paikkatietoikkuna发布了数据集。该地理门户网站基于标准的Web地图服务界面(WMS)提供空间数据发现和查看服务。此外,Geoportal启用标准的Web功能服务(WFS)并在集成视图中浏览功能,在集成视图中数据可视化为地图和属性表。如今,芬兰统计局提供了200多个WMS和WFS数据集,以供浏览和集成到芬兰国家地理门户网站中,以及大约2,000个其他国家地理空间数据集。 “网络空间统计”是芬兰统计局和芬兰国家土地调查局的一项联合项目,旨在从统计数据用户的角度改善国家地理门户服务。该项目遵循欧盟的INSPIRE Directive(2007)义务,并获得了Eurostat的赠款。该项目实施了一个开源Web应用程序(Oskari),以针对统计数据量身定制空间分析工具,并专注于开发用于分析基于网格的数据的工具(尽管大多数已开发的分析方法也可以用于其他类型的空间数据) 。该应用程序(包括用户指南)以三种语言提供:芬兰语,瑞典语和英语。本文描述了国家统计局和芬兰国家制图局之间的联合项目是如何受到开放数据的扩展和开源开发的启发的。



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