首页> 外文期刊>Standort: Zeitschrift fuer angewandte Geographie >?Was für Grün in der Stadt?' Politische Aushandlungsprozesse um st?dtische Grün- und Freir?ume am Beispiel des urbanen G?rtnerns in Schweizer St?dten

?Was für Grün in der Stadt?' Politische Aushandlungsprozesse um st?dtische Grün- und Freir?ume am Beispiel des urbanen G?rtnerns in Schweizer St?dten


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Urban green space is a key subject of actual urban negotiation processes on how the city shall develop. Visions of the ideal city are reflected in the meanings currently ascribed to urban gardening. Thereby the relation between human and nature as well as between build and natural environment in the city plays a central role. Results from different Swiss cities show that allotment gardens as well as newer forms of urban gardening are oscillating between a compensatory and a complementary understanding of nature, and they equally combine the desire for pristine nature with the demand for functional green space in the city.



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