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Oral health research: A source for innovative new statistical developments


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This article reviews the challenges and opportunities that oral health research may offer to a statistician. To illustrate this, we focus on the Signal Tandmobiel (R) study, a longitudinal oral health survey that triggered many statistical explorations and developments over the last two decades. For example, non-standard distributions are more the rule than the exception in oral health research. In addition, often measurement error problems need to be addressed. The hierarchical structure of the oral health data also poses non-standard challenges. For instance, caries experience in the mouth is spatially correlated with, however, a specific metric defining the distance between two occurrences. In addition, since caries experience in the context of an epidemiological study is only measured at intervals, analysis of survival involves interval-censoring. Finally, when analyzing a realistic data set in oral health, all the above issues may have to be dealt with simultaneously.
机译:本文回顾了口腔健康研究可能会给统计学家带来的挑战和机遇。为了说明这一点,我们专注于Signal Tandmobiel(R)研究,这是一项纵向口腔健康调查,在过去的二十年中引发了许多统计探索和发展。例如,在口腔健康研究中,非标准分布更是例外。另外,经常需要解决测量误差问题。口腔健康数据的层次结构也带来了非标准的挑战。例如,口腔中的龋齿体验在空间上与确定两次出现之间的距离的特定度量相关。另外,由于在流行病学研究中龋病的经验仅是按间隔测量的,因此生存分析涉及间隔检查。最后,在分析口腔健康的实际数据集时,可能必须同时处理所有上述问题。



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