
Inconvenient truth or public health threat?


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For Tim Noakes, the University of Cape Town's 'great centenary debate' on what constitutes a healthy diet was a 'kangaroo court', deliberately set up to discredit the 'inconvenient and threatening truths' behind his relatively recent and much-touted high-fat, no sugar, no carbohydrates eating regimen.For his scientific peers and opponents, however (and possibly most of the audience that gathered at UCT's Learning Centre lecture theatre, the 6 December debate being streamed live on the internet and to the nearby Sports Science Centre), he's a threat to the lay public's health and a self-confessed cholesterol denialist'. The scene was set for an epic academic debate between the charismatic Noakes and fellow UCT graduate and fellow A-rated scientist, Jacques Rossouw, the Washington-based epidemiologist on heart disease prevention and former director of the local Medical Research Councils Institute for Nutritional Diseases.
机译:对于蒂姆·诺阿克斯(Tim Noakes)而言,开普敦大学关于“什么是健康饮食”的“百年大辩论”是“袋鼠法庭”,故意成立是为了抹黑他相对较新,备受吹捧的高脂肪背后的“不便和威胁性真相”。 ,没有糖,没有碳水化合物的饮食方案。但是,对于他的科学同龄人和反对者(以及可能聚集在UCT学习中心演讲厅的大多数观众来说,12月6日的辩论会在互联网上和附近的体育科学中心进行现场直播),这是对普通大众健康的威胁,也是对胆固醇的否认者的自认”。现场是在充满魅力的Noakes与UCT研究生以及A级科学家,美国华盛顿州心脏病预防流行病学家,当地医学研究理事会营养疾病研究所所长Jacques Rossouw之间进行的一场史诗般的学术辩论。



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