首页> 外文期刊>Soil Science >Analysis of carboxyl groups in soil humic acids by a wet chemical method, Fourier-transform infrared spectrophotometry, and solution-state carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance. A comparative study.

Analysis of carboxyl groups in soil humic acids by a wet chemical method, Fourier-transform infrared spectrophotometry, and solution-state carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance. A comparative study.


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Carboxyls are important functional groups that affect polarity and reactivity in humic acids (HAs). Carboxyls were analysed in eight soil HAs by three methods based on widely differing principles: (i) wet chemical analysis, (ii) Fourier-Transform Infrared spectrophotometry (FT-IR), and (iii) liquid-state 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (13C NMR). The objective was to find the suitability of each of these methods for the analysis of COOH groups in HAs and the extent to which the three methods agreedwith each other in quantitative measurements of COOH groups in HAs. In regard to reaction mechanisms, the chemical Ca-acetate method is based on ion-exchange of H of COOH for Ca of Ca-acetate. From FT-IR spectra of HAs, COOH groups were determined by totalling absorbances at 1720-1710/cm (COOH) and 1620-1600/cm (COO-), whereas from 13C NMR spectra of HAs, COOH groups were computed by integration of the 175-185 ppm area. Good correlations were found between the three methods although the COOH values computed by 13C NMR were higher, as a result of the inclusion of small amounts of esters, amides, and lactones, than those obtained by the other two methods.
机译:羧基是影响腐殖酸(HAs)极性和反应性的重要官能团。通过三种基于广泛不同原理的方法对8种土壤HA中的羧基进行了分析:(i)湿化学分析,(ii)傅里叶变换红外分光光度法(FT-IR),以及(iii)液态13C核磁共振(13C) NMR)。目的是找到每种方法对HA中COOH基团的分析的适用性,以及这三种方法在HAs中COOH基团的定量测量中相互认可的程度。关于反应机理,化学乙酸钙方法是基于COOH的H与乙酸钙的离子交换。从HAs的FT-IR光谱中,COOH基团是通过在1720-1710 / cm(COOH)和1620-1600 / cm(COO-)处的总吸光度确定的,而从HAs的13C NMR光谱中,COOH基团是通过积分175-185 ppm区域。尽管通过13 C NMR计算的COOH值较高(由于包含少量的酯,酰胺和内酯),但与通过其他两种方法获得的COOH值相比,这三种方法之间发现了良好的相关性。



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