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Adobe's Photoshop Elements 8: Windows & Mac: Photoshop Lite, Or Just For Snapshooters?

机译:Adobe的Photoshop Elements 8:Windows和Mac:Photoshop Lite,还是仅用于快照程序?

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Adobe's Photoshop Elements favors the majority of the photo community, those who often get involved with the craft as they begin the family portion of their lives. Some do become photographers who find that the camera has a creative appeal beyond documenting their growing kids. Adobe makes the appeal of Elements 8 abundantly clear by the images accompanying their press materials for the software: all were snapshots, mostly pictures of children.
机译:Adobe的Photoshop Elements支持大多数照片社区,即那些在开始家庭生活时经常参与这项技术的人。有些人确实成为了摄影师,他们发现照相机除了记录他们成长中的孩子之外,还具有创造力。 Adobe通过其软件的媒体材料附带的图像,充分表明了Elements 8的吸引力:全部都是快照,主要是儿童图片。



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