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Young Shepherds Fly the Flag: First World Ovinpiades in New Zealand


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The first ever Young Shepherds World Championships takes place this November in Christchurch, South Island, New Zealand. The "World Ovinpiades" is an international programme of professional development and sheep industry learning for young shepherdsaged 18-25, held in tandem with a two-day competition. Ovinpiades are already happening in Europe and the UK, but this will be the first time a world event has taken place. The ovinpiades concept started at the International Sheepmeat Forum in Brussels in 2009 - discussion between European delegates identified a strong link between rugby playing countries and sheep production, triggering the idea to run an inaugural world event on the back of this year's rugby world cup.
机译:首届青年牧羊人世界锦标赛于今年11月在新西兰南岛的基督城举行。 “世界观赛”是一项为期18天的专业比赛,为18-25岁的年轻牧羊人提供养羊业的国际课程,同时进行了为期两天的比赛。 Ovinpiades已经在欧洲和英国发生,但这将是第一次举办世界盛事。 ovinpiades概念始于2009年在布鲁塞尔举行的国际羊肉论坛上-欧洲代表之间的讨论确定了橄榄球比赛国家与绵羊生产之间的紧密联系,引发了在今年的橄榄球世界杯之后举办首届世界赛事的想法。



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