首页> 外文期刊>Sociology of health & illness >'Active play may be lots of fun, but it's certainly not frivolous': the emergence of active play as a health practice in Canadian public health

'Active play may be lots of fun, but it's certainly not frivolous': the emergence of active play as a health practice in Canadian public health


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In the context of what has been termed a childhood obesity epidemic, public health institutions have recently begun to promote active play as a means of addressing childhood obesity, thus advancing play for health. Drawing on Foucault, this article problematises the way that children's play is being taken up as a health practice and further considers some of the effects this may have for children. Six Canadian public health websites were examined, from which 150 documents addressing children's health, physical activity, obesity, leisure activities and play were selected and coded deductively (theoretical themes) and inductively (emerging themes). Bacchi's () question-posing approach to critical discourse analysis deepened our analysis of dominant narratives. Our findings suggest that several taken-for-granted assumptions and practices underlie this discourse: (i) play is viewed as a productive activity legitimises it as a health practice; (ii) tropes of fun' and pleasure' are drawn on to promote physical activity; (iii) children are encouraged to self-govern their leisure time to promote health. We underscore the need to recognise this discourse as contingent and as only one of many ways of conceptualising children's leisure activities and their health and social lives more generally.
机译:在所谓的儿童肥胖病流行的背景下,公共卫生机构最近开始促进积极参与作为应对儿童肥胖的一种手段,从而促进健康游戏。本文以福柯为例,对将儿童游戏作为一种健康习惯的方式提出了质疑,并进一步考虑了这可能对儿童产生的一些影响。检查了六个加拿大公共卫生网站,从中选择了150篇有关儿童健康,体育活动,肥胖,休闲活动和娱乐的文件,并分别对演绎法(理论主题)和归纳法(新兴主题)进行编码。 Bacchi()的批评话语分析的提出问题的方法加深了我们对主流叙事的分析。我们的研究结果表明,在此话语基础上有一些公认的假设和做法: (ii)利用趣味性来促进体育锻炼; (iii)鼓励儿童自主管理自己的休闲时间以促进健康。我们强调有必要认识到这种话语是偶然的,并且只是将儿童的休闲活动及其健康和社会生活概念化的许多方式中的一种。



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