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Change and stability in work-family conflict and mothers' and fathers' mental health: Longitudinal evidence from an Australian cohort


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Work family conflict (WFC) occurs when work or family demands are 'mutually incompatible', with detrimental effects on mental health. This study contributes to the sparse longitudinal research, addressing the following questions: Is WFC a stable or transient feature of family life for mothers and fathers? What happens to mental health if WFC increases, reduces or persists? What work and family characteristics predict WFC transitions and to what extent are they gendered? Secondary analyses of 5 waves of data (child ages 4-5 to 12-13 years) from employed mothers (n = 2693) and fathers (n = 3460) participating in the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children were conducted. WFC transitions, across four two-year intervals (Waves 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, and 4-5) were classified as never, conscript, exit or chronic. Significant proportions of parents experienced change in WFC, between 12 and 16% of mothers and fathers for each transition 'type'. Parents who remained in chronic WFC reported the poorest mental health (adjusted multiple regression analyses), followed by those who conscripted into WFC. When WFC was relieved (exit), both mothers' and fathers' mental health improved significantly. Predictors of conscript and chronic WFC were somewhat distinct for mothers and fathers (adjusted logit regressions). Poor job quality, a skilled occupation and having more children differentiated chronic fathers' from those who exited WFC. For mothers, work factors only (skilled occupation; work hours; job insecurity) predicted chronic WFC. Findings reflect the persistent, gendered nature of work and care shaped by workplaces, but also offer tailored opportunities to redress WFC for mothers and fathers. We contribute novel evidence that mental health is directly influenced by the WFC interface, both positively and negatively, highlighting WFC as a key social determinant of health. (C) 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
机译:当工作或家庭需求“相互不兼容”时,就会发生工作家庭冲突(WFC),对心理健康产生不利影响。这项研究为稀疏的纵向研究做出了贡献,解决了以下问题:WFC是父母双方家庭生活的稳定或短暂特征吗?如果WFC增加,减少或持续,心理健康将会如何?哪些工作和家庭特征预示了WFC的过渡,以及它们在多大程度上性别化?对参加澳大利亚儿童纵向研究的受雇母亲(n = 2693)和父亲(n = 3460)的5波数据(4-5岁至12-13岁儿童)进行了二次分析。在四个两年间隔(1-2、2-3、3-4和4-5波)中,WFC过渡被分类为从不,应征,退出或慢性。相当一部分父母经历了世界粮食理事会的变化,每种过渡“类型”的父母中有12%至16%是父母。留在慢性WFC中的父母的心理健康状况最差(经多元回归分析调整),其次是入伍WFC的父母。 WFC放宽(退出)后,父亲和母亲的心理健康都大大改善。对于父亲和母亲,应征入伍和慢性WFC的预测指标有所不同(调整后的logit回归)。工作质量低劣,熟练的职业以及有更多的孩子,使长期父亲与那些离开WFC的人有所区别。对于母亲而言,仅工作因素(技能职业,工作时间,工作不安全感)预示着慢性WFC。调查结果不仅反映了工作场所对工作和照料的持续性别影响,而且还为父亲和母亲提供了量身定制的机会,以补偿WFC。我们提供了新的证据表明,心理健康直接受到WFC界面的正面和负面影响,突出了WFC是健康的关键社会决定因素。 (C)2016由Elsevier Ltd.出版



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