首页> 外文期刊>Social neuroscience >Establishing cooperation in a mixed-motive social dilemma. An fMRI study investigating the role of social value orientation and dispositional trust

Establishing cooperation in a mixed-motive social dilemma. An fMRI study investigating the role of social value orientation and dispositional trust


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When people are confronted with social dilemmas, their decision-making strategies tend to be associated with individual social preferences; prosocials have an intrinsic willingness to cooperate, while proselfs need extrinsic motivators signaling personal gain. In this study, the biological roots for the proselfs/prosocials concept are explored by investigating the neural correlates of cooperative versus defect decisions when participants engage in a series of one-shot, anonymous prisoner's dilemma situations. Our data are in line with previous studies showing that prosocials activate several social cognition regions of the brain more than proselfs (here: medial prefrontal cortex, temporo-parietal junction, and precuneus BA 7 (Brodmann area 7), and that dispositional trust positively affects prosocials' decisions to cooperate. At the neural level, however, dispositional trust appears to exert a greater marginal effect on brain activity of proselfs in three social cognition regions, which does not translate into an increase in cooperation. An event-related analysis shows that cooperating prosocials show significantly more activation in the precuneus (BA 7) than proselfs. Based on previous research, we interpret this result to be consistent with prosocials' enhanced tendency to infer the intentions of others in social dilemma games, and the importance of establishing norm congruence when they decide to cooperate.
机译:当人们面临社会困境时,他们的决策策略往往与个人的社会偏好联系在一起。亲社会人士有内在的合作意愿,而亲人本身则需要外在的动机来表达个人的收获。在这项研究中,当参与者参加一系列一次性,匿名囚徒困境的情况时,通过调查合作与缺陷决定的神经相关性,探索了自我/亲社会观念的生物学根源。我们的数据与先前的研究相吻合,前者表明亲社会人士比人自身更能激活大脑的几个社会认知区域(此处:内侧前额叶皮层,颞顶交界和早神经BA 7(Brodmann区域7),并且性格信任对人的积极影响Prosocials的合作决定,但是,在神经层次上,性格信任似乎在三个社会认知区域中对自己的大脑活动产生更大的边际效应,但这并没有转化为合作的增加。与事件相关的分析表明,合作的亲社会人士在preneuneus(BA 7)中表现出比自身更多的激活,根据先前的研究,我们认为此结果与亲社会人士在社交困境游戏中推断他人意图的增强趋势相一致,以及建立规范的重要性他们决定合作时保持一致。



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