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Bouc-Wen model-based real-time force tracking scheme for MR dampers


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A Bouc-Wen model-based control scheme is presented which allows tracking the desired control force in real-time with magnetorheological (MR) dampers without feedback from a force sensor. The control scheme estimates the MR damper force by parallel computing of several Bouc-Wen models with different constant currents as inputs and for the actual MR damper displacement and velocity, respectively. Based on the estimated forces and the desired control force the MR damper current is determined by a piecewise linear interpolation scheme. The model-based feed-forward control scheme is numerically and experimentally validated. If the desired control force is not constrained by the pre-yield region, residual force at 0 A and force at maximum current, the very small force tracking error ≤0.0015 in the simulation is caused by the control-oriented simplification of the linear interpolation scheme. The tests reveal that the real-time control scheme is numerically stable and the force tracking error of ≤0.078 represents an acceptable accuracy.
机译:提出了一种基于Bouc-Wen模型的控制方案,该方案允许使用磁流变(MR)阻尼器实时跟踪所需的控制力,而无需来自力传感器的反馈。该控制方案通过并行计算几个具有不同恒定电流作为输入的Bouc-Wen模型以及分别用于实际MR阻尼器的位移和速度来估计MR阻尼器力。基于估计的力和所需的控制力,MR阻尼器电流通过分段线性插值方案确定。对基于模型的前馈控制方案进行了数值和实验验证。如果所需的控制力不受预屈服区域,0 A时的残余力和最大电流下的力的限制,则模拟中非常小的力跟踪误差≤0.0015是由于线性插值方案的控制方向简化而引起的。测试表明,实时控制方案在数值上是稳定的,力跟踪误差≤0.078表示可接受的精度。



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