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Field trial on the efficacy of albendazole micronised (single and double treatment) against Dicrocoelium dendriticum in naturally infected sheep: A new strategy for the control of dicrocoeliosis


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Dicrocoelium dendriticum is the most common liver fluke in domestic ruminants in Italy, reaching prevalence values of 67% on ovine farms in the southern regions. It causes economic losses and clinical problems. The present paper reviews the results of a controlled field trial conducted in southern Italy to evaluate the efficacy of a single or double administration of albendazole micronised against D. dendriticum in pastured sheep naturally infected by the small liver fluke. The trial was conducted in a sheep farm located in the Campania region, southern Italy. Sixty female crossbreed sheep were selected on the basis of the D. dendriticum positive faecal egg counts (FEC). Ewes were divided into 3 groups, of 20 sheep each, based on D. dendriticum FEC. One group (A-group) was treated once and the other group (B-group) treated twice at an interval of one week, whereas the control group (C-group) was untreated. The efficacy of treatment was evaluated by FEC and necropsy examination for D. dendriticum. Following the WAAVP guidelines for evaluating the efficacy of anthelmintics in ruminants, the double administration of albendazole micronized, showed a high efficacy (up to 99% based on FEC reduction), whereas the single treatment was less effective (up to 96% based on FEC reduction) against D. dendriticum. This difference was significant (P 0-0.05). The results were also confirmed by necropsy examinations. At day 14 the mean D. dendriticum burdens of the slaughtered sheep of the A-group, B-group and C-group were 87, 70 and 1274 adults (P 0.001), respectively following necroscopic examinations. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:Dicrocoelium dendriticum是意大利家庭反刍动物中最常见的肝吸虫,在南部地区的养羊场中患病率达到67%。它造成经济损失和临床问题。本文回顾了在意大利南部进行的一项田野对照试验的结果,以评估单剂或双剂微粉化的阿苯达唑对D. dendriticum的治疗在自然感染小肝吸虫的绵羊中的功效。该试验在意大利南部坎帕尼亚地区的一个养羊场进行。根据D. dendriticum阳性粪便卵数(FEC)选择了60只雌性杂交绵羊。根据D. dendriticum FEC将母羊分为三组,每组20只羊。一组(A组)治疗一次,另一组(B组)以一周为间隔治疗两次,而对照组(C组)未治疗。通过FEC和尸检检查对D. dendriticum的治疗效果。遵循WAAVP评估驱虫药在反刍动物中的功效的指南,微粉化的阿苯达唑的双重给药显示出很高的效力(基于FEC降低可达99%),而单次治疗的效果较差(基于FEC高达96%)。还原)对D. dendriticum。这种差异是显着的(P <0-0.05)。尸检也证实了结果。在第14天,在尸检镜检查后,A组,B组和C组的屠宰绵羊的平均树突状担子分别为87、70和1274只成年人(P <0.001)。 (C)2015 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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