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Metabolic imprinting by prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal overnutrition: a review.


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Epidemiological studies have suggested that metabolic programming is one of the critical factors contributing to the etiology of obesity as well as concurrent increase in related chronic diseases (e.g., type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease). Metabolic programming is the phenomenon whereby a nutritional stress/stimulus applied during critical periods of early development permanently alters an organism's physiology and metabolism, the consequences of which are often observed much later in life. The idea of metabolic programming originated from the fetal origins hypothesis proposed by Barker in which he suggested that disproportionate size at birth of the newborn due to an adverse intrauterine environment correlated well with an increased risk of adult-onset ill health outcomes (type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease). The fetal origins hypothesis, proposed by Barker, suggests that adequate nutrition during fetal development is critical. Overnutrition is a form of malnutrition that has increased in the United States over the past several decades in which nutrients are oversupplied relative to the amounts required for normal growth, development, and metabolism. Evidence for the effects of maternal obesity and overnutrition on metabolic programming is reviewed during critical prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal periods.
机译:流行病学研究表明,代谢程序设计是导致肥胖病因以及相关慢性疾病(例如2型糖尿病和心血管疾病)并发增加的关键因素之一。代谢程序设计是一种现象,通过这种现象,在早期发育的关键时期施加的营养压力/刺激会永久改变生物体的生理和新陈代谢,其后果通常会在生命的后期出现。代谢程序设计的思想源于Barker提出的胎儿起源假说,他在其中提出,由于宫腔内环境不利,新生儿出生时体重不成比例与成人发病健康状况增加的风险(2型糖尿病,高血压和心血管疾病)。 Barker提出的胎儿起源假说表明,胎儿发育期间的充足营养至关重要。营养过剩是营养不良的一种形式,在过去的几十年中,在美国,营养过剩的现象日益严重,相对于正常生长,发育和新陈代谢所需的营养而言,营养过剩。在产前,围产期和产后的关键时期,对孕产妇肥胖和营养过剩对代谢程序产生影响的证据进行了综述。



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