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Gender Rules: Same- and Cross-Gender Friendships Norms


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We examined the relationships between gender and attitudes towards same- and cross-gender friendship norms for a sample of 269 West Coast, U. S., college students. Participants evaluated violations of friendship norms described in vignettes in which the friend's gender was experimentally manipulated. Women differentiated more between types of violations in their evaluations than did men. There also were several significant gender differences in approval of norm violations. As expected, women tended to have relatively high expectations of their friendships in situations involving trust and intimacy, likely resulting from the high value they placed on affiliation and emotional closeness. Women were more disapproving than men of a friend who canceled plans or failed to come to their defense publicly. Men and women judged a woman who betrayed a secret more harshly than a man. Generally, expectations for cross-gender, versus same-gender, friends were more similar than different; there were no significant cross-gender interactions, with one exception. Men were particularly less approving of a male, as compared to a female, friend who kissed them in a greeting. Furthermore, an overwhelming majority of respondents (81. 6%) reported that men and women can be friends. A minority of women were cautious in their responses, with women (18. 5%) more apt to reply "maybe," than men (9. 9%). Overall, these findings provided evidence that gender, rather than cross-gender, norms primarily influenced friendship evaluations, and demonstrated that even a subtle manipulation of gender can trigger gender stereotypes. They suggested, too, that women may hold their friends to stricter "rules" than men.
机译:我们以美国西海岸269名大学生为样本,研究了性别与对待同性和跨性别友谊规范的态度之间的关系。参与者评估了在小插曲中描述的违反友谊规范的行为,在小插曲中实验性地操纵了朋友的性别。在评估中,女性在违规类型上比男性更多。在批准违反规范方面也存在一些重大的性别差异。不出所料,在信任和亲密关系中,妇女对友谊的期望相对较高,这可能是由于她们对从属关系和情感亲密关系的重视程度很高。与朋友的男人相比,女人更不赞成他们的男人取消计划或未能公开辩护。男人和女人判断一个女人比男人更严厉地背叛了一个秘密。总体而言,对跨性别朋友和同性朋友的期望比相似的要多得多。除了一个例外,没有明显的跨性别互动。与女性朋友打招呼时相比,男性尤其不赞成男性。此外,绝大多数受访者(81.6%)报告说,男人和女人可以成为朋友。少数女性对自己的回答持谨慎态度,女性(18. 5%)比男性(9. 9%)更容易回答“也许”。总体而言,这些发现提供了证据,表明性别规范(而非跨性别规范)主要影响友谊评估,并表明,即使是对性别的微妙操纵也会触发性别定型观念。他们还建议,女性可能比男性更严格地对待自己的朋友。



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