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Male and Female Pronoun Use in U.S. Books Reflects Women's Status, 1900-2008


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The status of women in the United States varied considerably during the 20th century, with increases 1900-1945, decreases 1946-1967, and considerable increases after 1968. We examined whether changes in written language, especially the ratio of male to female pronouns, reflected these trends in status in the full text of nearly 1. 2 million U. S. books 1900-2008 from the Google Books database. Male pronouns included he, him, his, himself and female pronouns included she, her, hers, and herself. Between 1900 and 1945, 3. 5 male pronouns appeared for every female pronoun, increasing to 4. 5 male pronouns during the postwar era of the 1950s and early 1960s. After 1968, the ratio dropped precipitously, reaching 2 male pronouns per female pronoun by the 2000s. From 1968 to 2008, the use of male pronouns decreased as female pronouns increased. The gender pronoun ratio was significantly correlated with indicators of U. S. women's status such as educational attainment, labor force participation, and age at first marriage as well as women's assertiveness, a personality trait linked to status. Books used relatively more female pronouns when women's status was high and fewer when it was low. The results suggest that cultural products such as books mirror U. S. women's status and changing trends in gender equality over the generations.
机译:在20世纪,美国妇女的地位变化很大,1900-1945年有所增加,1946-1967年有所减少,1968年以后则有相当大的增加。我们研究了书面语言的变化,特别是男女代词的比例这些状态的趋势在Google图书数据库中有将近1本书的全文。1900-2008年有200万本美国图书。男性代词包括他,他,他,他自己和女性代词包括她,她,她的和她自己。在1900年至1945年之间,每个女性代词出现3. 5个男性代词,在1950年代和1960年代初期的战时时期增加到4. 5个男性代词。 1968年之后,该比例急剧下降,到2000年代,每个女性代词中有2个男性代词。从1968年到2008年,男性代词的使用随着女性代词的增加而减少。性别代词比率与美国妇女地位的指标显着相关,例如受教育程度,劳动力参与率,初婚年龄以及妇女的自信(与地位相关的人格特质)。妇女地位高时,书籍使用的女性代词相对较多,而妇女地位低时,书籍使用的女性代词相对较少。结果表明,诸如书籍之类的文化产品反映了美国妇女的地位和世代相传的性别平等趋势。



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