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Predicting Feminist Identity: Associations Between Gender-Traditional Attitudes, Feminist Stereotyping, and Ethnicity


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The connection between holding gender-traditional attitudes and the reluctance to identify as a feminist is well established, yet little is known about factors that might underlie this association. One factor that may serve this function is the tendency to hold negative stereotypes about feminists. Indeed, the constructs of ambivalent sexism (Glick and Fiske 1996) and ambivalence toward men (Glick and Fiske 1999) provide a strong theoretical basis for the prediction that traditional attitudes toward women and men are related to the derogation of women who do not conform to the feminine-stereotyped gender role. Therefore, the present study utilized path analysis to test a mediational model in which traditional attitudes toward women and men predict the tendency to stereotype feminists, which in turn predicts feminist identity. The present study also examined whether the relations between the variables in the model differed for African American, European American, and Latina women. Participants consisted of 544 women from the southern United States who, despite being undergraduates, were in their mid-to-late twenties on average. As expected, participant ethnicity moderated the paths in the model. Among African American and Latina women, hostility toward men and hostile sexism predicted the tendency to stereotype feminists, which then predicted feminist identity. Support for the mediational model was not obtained among European American women; instead, the model for European American women was characterized by direct paths from traditional attitudes toward women and men to feminist identity. Discussion focuses on the importance of considering participants' ethnic background when assessing predictors of feminist identity.
机译:持有性别传统态度与不愿承认自己是女权主义者之间的联系已得到很好的确立,但对于可能导致这种联系的因素知之甚少。可能起到这一作用的一个因素是,人们倾向于对女权主义者持负面定型观念。确实,矛盾的性别歧视(Glick and Fiske 1996)和对男人的矛盾情绪(Glick and Fiske 1999)的构造为以下预测提供了强有力的理论基础:传统上对男女的态度与不顺从的女性的贬损有关。女性刻板印象的性别角色。因此,本研究利用路径分析来检验一种中介模型,在该模型中,传统的男女态度预示着对女权主义者的刻板印象,进而预示了女权主义者的身份。本研究还检查了模型变量之间的关系对于非裔美国人,欧洲裔美国人和拉丁裔妇女是否有所不同。参加者包括来自美国南部的544名女性,尽管她们是大学生,但平均年龄在20岁到20岁之间。正如预期的那样,参与者的种族缓和了模型中的路径。在非裔美国人和拉美裔妇女中,对男人的敌意和敌对的性别歧视预示着对女权主义者的刻板印象,然后预言了女权主义者的身份。欧美妇女未获得对调解模式的支持;取而代之的是,针对美国黑人妇女的模式的特征是从传统的男女态度到女权身份的直接路径。讨论的重点是在评估女性主义身份的预测因素时考虑参与者的种族背景的重要性。



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