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Gender Differences in Covert Fidelity Management among Dating Individuals in China


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This study examined gender differences in covert fidelity management among dating individuals in China. Fidelity management refers to tactics and behaviors people use to monitor their partners' fidelity. Two hundred and thirty two young adults (18-26 years old, M = 23. 44, SD = 1. 93) primarily from the cities of Beijing, Wuhan, Dalian, and Guangzhou in mainland China completed a questionnaire designed to measure self-esteem, trust, peer influence, relationship satisfaction and covert fidelity management. Consistent with our hypothesis, women were found to engage in more covert fidelity management than men. Regression results revealed that for both women and men, trust and peer influence were significant predictors of covert fidelity management behavior. However, self-esteem was a significant predictor of men's covert fidelity management, not women's. Furthermore, covert fidelity management was found not related to women's relationship satisfaction, but was significantly associated with men's satisfaction in a negative direction. These findings have interesting implications for understanding romantic partners' behaviors in infidelity-related situations.
机译:这项研究检验了中国约会对象在秘密保真度管理方面的性别差异。忠诚度管理是指人们用来监视伙伴的忠诚度的策略和行为。主要来自中国大陆北京,武汉,大连和广州等城市的232名年轻人(18-26岁,M =23。44,SD = 1. 93)完成了旨在测量自我-尊重,信任,同伴影响,关系满意度和隐秘保真度管理。与我们的假设一致,发现女性比男性从事更多的秘密保真管理。回归结果表明,对于男人和女人而言,信任和同伴影响都是秘密保真度管理行为的重要预测指标。但是,自尊心是男人秘密保真度管理的重要预测指标,而不是女人。此外,发现秘密保真度管理与女性的关系满意度无关,但与男性的负面满意度显着相关。这些发现对于理解浪漫伴侣在不忠相关情况下的行为具有有趣的意义。



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