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'What I wanted to do was...' Discrepancies Between College Women's Desired and Reported Responses to Gender Prejudice


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When experiencing gender prejudice, college women engage in a dynamic decision making process about whether and how to respond. We examined the discrepancy between how college women wanted to respond and how they actually responded to gender prejudice events and explored their reasons for not using a desired response. In this study, 81 college women from the Western United States responded to a qualitative online daily diary about gender prejudice. In 34% (N = 265) of the events, the women reported there was a discrepancy between what they wanted to do and how they actually reacted, with the most common discrepancy being a desire to utilize a confrontational response (91%, N = 242). Over the two week period, women reported significantly more events during which they considered the use of a confrontational response (N = 242) than they actually used one (N = 199). Women's reported reasons for not using their desired response included: not being cost effective (25%), concern about social norms (37%), setting limitations (19%), personality characteristics (9%) and not being bothered enough by the event (10%). We also found that when women considered using a confrontational response but decided not to, they reported using all other response types instead. In these cases, women who did nothing during the event reported lower levels of distress during the event than women who used a psychological response or a different confrontational response. Implications and future research directions are discussed.
机译:在遇到性别偏见时,大学妇女会就是否以及如何应对进行动态决策。我们研究了大学女性想要如何回应与她们对性别偏见事件的实际回应之间的差异,并探讨了她们不采取预期回应的原因。在这项研究中,来自美国西部的81名大学女性对有关性别偏见的在线定性每日日记做出了回应。在34%(N = 265)的事件中,女性报告说,他们想做什么与实际反应之间存在差异,最常见的差异是希望利用对抗性反应(91%,N = 242)。在两周的时间里,女性报告的考虑使用对抗性事件的事件显着多(N = 242),而不是实际使用事件(N = 199)。妇女报告的不使用她们期望的反应的原因包括:成本效益不佳(25%),对社会规范的关注(37%),设定限制(19%),性格特征(9%)以及对活动没有足够的困扰(10%)。我们还发现,当女性考虑使用对抗性反应但决定不使用时,她们报告使用其他所有反应类型。在这些情况下,在活动中无所事事的妇女在活动中所报告的苦恼程度要低于使用心理反应或其他对抗性反应的妇女。涵义和未来的研究方向进行了讨论。



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