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Distinguishing Between Sex and Gender: History, Current Conceptualizations, and Implications


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Many psychologists, particularly feminist psychologists, have drawn a distinction between the term sex and the term gender. The purposes of this paper were to review the history of this distinction and to illustrate the varied and inconsistent ways in which these terms are used. Historically, this distinction began with John Money and his colleagues in the 1950s (Money et al. 1955a, b, 1957); they used the term sex to refer to individuals' physical characteristics and the term gender to refer to individuals' psychological characteristics and behavior. Two decades later, Rhoda Unger (1979) argued that the widespread use of the term sex implies biological causes and promotes the idea that differences between women and men are natural and immutable. She proposed the use of the term gender to refer to traits that are culturally assumed to be appropriate for women and men. Her work was influential in prompting a widespread shift from the use of the term sex to the use of the term gender in psychological texts. Nevertheless, current definitions of sex and gender vary widely. Some authors use the terms interchangeably. Of those who distinguish between the terms, most construe gender as more related to cultural influences and sex as more related to biology. There are numerous inconsistencies in authors' definitions, however. Additionally, in some cases, there appears to be a mismatch between how researchers define sex or gender and how they measure it. It seems likely that the distinction between the term sex and the term gender may become less meaningful and important over time.
机译:许多心理学家,特别是女权主义心理学家,已经在“性别”和“性别”一词之间作了区分。本文的目的是回顾这种区别的历史,并说明使用这些术语的各种方式和不一致的方式。从历史上看,这种区别始于1950年代的John Money和他的同事们(Money等,1955a,b,1957年)。他们使用“性别”一词指代个人的身体特征,使用“性别”一词指代个人的心理特征和行为。二十年后,罗达·昂格(Rhoda Unger(1979))认为,“性”一词的广泛使用意味着生物学原因,并提倡男女之间的差异是自然且不可改变的。她提议使用“性别”一词来指代文化上被认为适合男女的性状。她的工作在促使人们广泛地从心理文本中使用性别一词转变为性别一词方面具有影响力。然而,当前关于性别的定义大相径庭。一些作者可以互换使用这些术语。在区分这两个术语的人中,大多数认为性别与文化影响更多相关,而性别与生物学更多相关。但是,作者的定义存在许多不一致之处。另外,在某些情况下,研究人员如何定义性别或测量性别之间似乎不匹配。随着时间的推移,性别一词和性别一词之间的区别似乎可能变得不那么有意义和重要了。



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